Guidelines for Community Organizations

Farmington Municipal Schools recognizes the need by community groups to distribute flyers to students utilizing the e-flyer distribution system, Peachjar. Approval and distribution for e-flyers is at the discretion of the Support Services Department. FMS reserves the right to deny e-flyer approval even if all requirements described below are met.

E-flyer Requirements:

  • Publicize noncommercial services, special events, public meetings, or other gatherings of interest to students or parents/guardians.

  • Support the basic educational mission of the district, directly benefit the students, or be of essential value to the students or their parents/guardians.

  • Contain the name and contact information of the sponsoring entity.

  • Include the following disclaimer, which is auto-populated by Peachjar, using the exact wording shown below: "Distribution of this flyer does not imply endorsement by Farmington Municipal Schools, its schools, or staff, and is distributed in compliance with federal and state law."

E-flyer Denial:

All denied materials are based on Board Policy 2.50: Public Information Dissemination.

  • It shall be the Board’s policy to allow the distribution of materials that promote educational projects and programs and encourage the involvement of the District’s students in service learning or community service activities, subject to their view of such materials by the site administrator.  In addition, the Farmington Municipal Schools will distribute general, informational literature during district-initiated elections.

  • The Farmington Municipal Schools will, however, refrain from sending materials that promote personal or corporate gain home with students. The Board and Administration shall not allow instructional staff or outside individuals, organizations, or groups to distribute information, in any medium, to students in the classroom unless it is part of the approved classroom curriculum being presented by a teacher in a content-neutral manner. Instructional staff shall obtain advanced approval from the School Principal of all non-employee speakers intended to be brought into the classroom and all materials proposed to be distributed to students that espouse an advocacy position on topics of public or private concern to assure that they are curriculum-related.

To-Do List Photo

Have a question about Peachjar?

Contact Peachjar Support by phone at 1-877-402-1786 (8 AM – 5 PM MST)