Mesa View Middle School is embarking on an exciting journey to create four special “houses” within the school. The aim is to build a safe supportive and collaborative culture to help students succeed by focusing on their strengths and recognizing their efforts.
The Ron Clark Academy, a renowned middle school in Atlanta, serves as inspiration for this initiative, celebrated for its devoted and dynamic learning environment.
This afternoon, the school staff kicked off this project with a party to sort staff from the principal to the custodians into 4 houses. One by one, the staff spun a wheel that gave them their assignment to one of the houses.
They introduced the houses of “Amistad,” “Isibindi,” “Rêveur,” and “Sollevare,” each with a unique identity. The primary focus now will be to create a much different-looking first day of school, where students do not need to be afraid of feeling left out or picked on. On this first day, every student will be sorted into a house where they will be welcomed by House Leaders and students of all grade levels who will share a common purpose, to uplift one another.
Parents should know that their children will be recognized for their achievements in a way that promotes good character, academic excellence, school pride, and a sense of belonging for all. The school will train parents on new technology during their “Fall 2024 Block Party,” so they may also celebrate their students at home by receiving push notifications from teachers who recognize excellence.
“Our families should be excited about what we are about to do. New students will come to an inviting school environment and it will be our older students who will lead the way. We are placing a lot of responsibility on our current students and know they will rise to the challenge,” said Principal Cody Green.
“The Mesa View staff is ready to transform the school and we can’t wait for our families to be a part of this new journey with us, as we give every student a crew and a cause,” added Assistant Principal Kevin Beckner.
In the coming months, Mesa View families can expect more updates on the houses, how students will be sorted, the points system, and how they can be involved.
About the Houses:
Amistad (House of Friendship): This house, which originates from Mexico, values kindness and resilience. Students are encouraged to find their strengths and embrace their true selves like a peacock (its symbolic animal) discovering its feathers.
Isibindi (House of Courage): Reflecting the unity and strength of African lions, this house welcomes shy students and nurtures them into confident leaders, symbolized by the lion.
Rêveur (House of Dreamers): A royal house where dreams are celebrated, symbolized by the wolf. Students are encouraged to pursue their passions fearlessly.
Sollevare (House of Uplifting): Rooted in Italian culture, this house embodies resilience and support, represented by the Phoenix rising from the ashes. Members uplift each other and learn from setbacks.
This exciting new project at Mesa View Middle School will help the school strengthen High-Reliability Schools Level 1, specifically 1.7, 1.4, 1.1, and 1.2. Click here for more information on our Strategic Plan.