I had the pleasure of participating in Leadership San Juan’s Education Day at San Juan College’s School of Energy recently. Leadership San Juan was established to identify and encourage emerging leaders to enhance the quality of leadership in our county and to increase the knowledge on issues that impact our communities. I can share with you that last week's event was an exceptional experience once again.
José Villarreal, FMS Workforce Community Liaison, discusses the FMS Work-based Learning program and its growth and impact.
The day began with thoughtful discussions of issues in higher education with Dr. Pendergrass, and career and technical education with Aztec Municipal Schools Director Milo McMinn, before the topic, switched to priorities in public education with Education Secretary Dr. Kurt Steinhaus. Throughout the day, county leaders and educators were treated to important exchanges with local students that shared their views and what they’ve learned from the educational avenues they are currently exploring.
From left to right, James Powers (SJCHS), Jerrissa Jaramillo (SJCHS), and Trinity Greenleaf (FHS). James interns at Farmington High School, Jerrissa interns at a dentist’s office, and Trinity interns and SJ Health Partners.
Students shared that they’ve gained great insight about being better communicators and reflect on what they want to pursue in their respective futures. Through internships at the FMS Work-based Learning program, our students shared that they have connected more to their communities. The students are fully aware that they are having experiences in the professional field those other students could benefit from just like them.
From left to right, Dr. James Olivas, Director of PreK-12 Curriculum for Bloomfield School District, Lauren Laws, Associate Superintendent at Aztec Municipal Schools, and FMS Superintendent Dr. Eugene Schmidt.
Education Day ended with a town meeting on what schools need to succeed, moderated by Devin Neeley, San Juan County Public Relations. Dr. James Olivas, Director of PreK-12 Curriculum for Bloomfield School District, and Lauren Laws, Associate Superintendent at Aztec Municipal Schools, joined me on a panel to share with our educators and students about our views on education.
Eugene J. Schmidt, PhD
Farmington Municipal Schools