Budget Sub-Committee Update

The Board of Education’s Budget Sub-Committee met today to hear an update from Superintendent Dr. Eugene Schmidt and Chief Financial Officer Bobbi Newland.

Here’s a breakdown of the proposed next school budget and a comparison table of the funded enrollment (districts receive funds based on the number of students enrolled):

  • Statewide public school appropriation of $3.9 billion, a 12% increase over fiscal year 2022. Farmington's share could be an estimated $104.7 million.
  • More funding is earmarked for Extended Learning Time, K-5 Plus, Career and Technical Education programs and community school programs.
  • Teacher salary increases with minimum salaries set at $50 thousand for Level I, $60 thousand for Level II, and $70 thousand for Level III. Salary schedules for Farmington Municipal Schools will be updated/posted in the next few weeks.
  • $15 minimum wage for all school support staff, i.e. starting custodians.
  • An average 7% pay increase for all school personnel
  • An increase of recurring funding for operational needs including  school transportation, Indian Education, Native American Language, early literacy, and at-risk student interventions.
Funded Enrollment 80/120 Day Comparison20212022
Elementary Schools44654543
Middle Schools26412705
High Schools33933690

There will be two budget meetings in April and two more in May before the final budget is adopted and submitted.

Related Article: FMS Budget Information and Timeline