Hello Hermosa Parents,

This year a full training on the Signs of Suicide Prevention Program will be completed with 6th grade students. 7th & 8th graders will need to complete the refresher training. As part of the training process, the district will provide a parent training night. This will familiarize parents with the training content and give the community an opportunity to come and gather resources or have questions answered. 

After the training, counselors and social workers will be supporting student follow up for those that identify wanting to talk with someone.  

Parent Information Night on Signs of Suicide Prevention Program: 

October 6, 2022 6:00-7:30 PM FMS Board Room 3401 E. 30th Street

School Training for Hermosa: Tuesday October 11

If parents wish to complete an opt-out form for the training, please contact the student's School Counselor or Social Worker.