Great teachers make us feel seen and empowered as learners. As we celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week, we will share videos and messages that touch on the impact educators have in our lives all week long. Let’s celebrate teachers, FMS!
almost 2 years ago, Public Information Officer
During the FMS school year, our school kitchen personnel prepare three thousand breakfasts and seven thousand lunches every day (more than 2 million meals in one year). That’s why they are School Lunch Heroes on #SchoolLunchHeroDay! #SLHD23, which takes place on Friday, May 5, 2023, marks the 11th anniversary of the observance all about recognizing the hard work school nutrition professionals do and the way it benefits children’s education and growth. Thanks, School Lunch Heroes for ALL you do, we salute you!
almost 2 years ago, Public Information Officer
SLHD 2023
NMPED will provide FREE Algebra I High-Dosage Tutoring to 8th-grade students transitioning into 9th grade in the 2023-2024 school year. This program is designed to provide 8th-grade students a "jumpstart" into exploring the Algebra I content while providing just-in-time support to boost math skills. For more information, you can contact: 👉 Michelle Korbakes, ACCELerate NM Project Manager, at or (575) 491-5773. You can also contact 👉 Ashleigh Trice, HDT Coordinator, at 👉 To register, visit:
almost 2 years ago, Public Information Officer
Tutoring Graphic.
Earth Day Challenge 2023 Sign-up! On Earth Day 2023, all Farmington Municipal School students were given planting kits with zinnia and sugar snap pea seeds. The Earth Day Challenge is to plant your growing seeds at your home, in a pot, or in the ground and document your success. To sign-up for the challenge, visit For information about Earth Day at FMS, visit
almost 2 years ago, Public Information Officer
Earth Day Challenge 2023!
Here’s what we have coming up for breakfast and lunch in May, FMS. In addition to the events below, our Student Nutrition Department is also serving a special breakfast to our high school graduates on graduation day. On May 19, we’ll celebrate National Pizza Party Day! Pepperoni pizza for all and since it's a party, ice cream treats too! Don't worry if your student's school is not offering a hot breakfast item, they are still getting a delicious and nutritious grab-and-go breakfast to enjoy in their classroom! Find our menus at
almost 2 years ago, Public Information Officer
Student Nutrition in May at FMS.
Principals and Assistant Principals are leaders who inspire confidence and prioritize the needs of students. They create a welcoming and inclusive school culture. They are dedicated to their work, responsive to parents' concerns, and committed to building a nurturing and engaging learning environment for students, families, and staff. Happy Principal And Assistant Principal Appreciation Day! All of our Principals and Assistant Principals are being presented with nacho kits today from our Student Nutrition Department. Enjoy!
almost 2 years ago, Public Information Officer
Nacho Average Principal!
Hello FMS families and community, Great news! Registration for the upcoming school year (2023-24) is now open at FMS! If you are new to our district and not currently enrolled in one of our FMS schools, you can register your child at Please be aware that there are two links available, one for the current school year (2022-23) and one for the upcoming year (2023-24). Make sure you select the correct link.
almost 2 years ago, Public Information Officer
Registration is now open at FMS!
FMS, our partners at the San Juan College Continuing Education Department will host two one-week GenCyber Student Camp Program sessions during the summer of 2023. This FREE summer camp is for students who have completed grades 6-11 and will offer engaging, hands-on activities, guest speakers, cybersecurity activities, competitions, and exposure to computer architecture, operating systems, network fundamentals, and programming. Apply before June 5 at For more information, you can also visit:
almost 2 years ago, Public Information Officer
GenCyber Flyer from San Juan College
We are honored to announce that Farmington Municipal Schools has been named a "Best Community for Music Education" for the 7th year in a row by the National Association of Music Merchants Foundation! This prestigious recognition is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our Fine Arts Department and our incredible music teachers who go above and beyond to provide our students with an outstanding music education. We couldn't be prouder of their achievements! Thank you to the National Association of Music Merchants Foundation for this recognition.
almost 2 years ago, Public Information Officer
Best Community for Education 2023.
FMS, an updated 2023-24 academic calendar with minor changes was approved by the Board of Education last night. The first day of school for Kindergarten, 6th, and 9th grades will now be August 10, 2023. The rest of the grades will start on August 11, 2023. May 24, 2024, will now be a full day for students instead of a professional day. The last day of school will now be May 24, 2024. Not on the calendar, but please note that the school day has increased in elementary by 20 minutes (class will end at 3:05 p.m.), 10 minutes in middle school (class will end at 3:45 p.m.), and 3 minutes in high school (class will end at 3:15 p.m.). A preschool calendar should be available in May. Read more:
almost 2 years ago, Public Information Officer
2023-24 academic calendar.
Twenty students from Mesa View, Heights, and Hermosa Middle School participated in the New Mexico National History Day competition on Saturday, April 15, in Albuquerque. Grace McWilliams and Genevieve Peterson of Heights Middle School took 2nd place in Junior Group Website, while Paige Kimball, Diya Linga, and Adalyn Haskill also from Heights Middle School received the Women's History Special Award. Great job, Knights! Hosted at the University of New Mexico, the theme for this year’s competition was “Frontiers in History: People, Places, Ideas.” The purpose of the annual theme is for students to frame their research while allowing for a broad application to world, national, state, or local history and its relevance from ancient history to the more recent past.
almost 2 years ago, Public Information Officer
NM National History Day
NM National History Day
NM National History Day
NM National History Day
FMS families, just a quick reminder that each of our middle schools will be hosting a Parent Night for Incoming 6th Graders on Tuesday, April 11, from 5:30 to 6:30 PM. Get a feel for the new building. Meet next year’s new teachers and staff. See you there! For more information, you can contact our middle schools:
almost 2 years ago, Public Information Officer
Middle School Parent Night
Mark your calendars, FMS. The first 40 students will receive a book!
almost 2 years ago, Public Information Officer
Sharing Dine Language!
Looking for our proposed 2023-24 FMS Budget Breakdown and Expenditures? You can find that information and the budget timeline on our Financial Transparency page. Visit for more information.
almost 2 years ago, Public Information Officer
We celebrate National School Social Work week from March 5-11, 2023. Thank you for supporting our students, families, and school communities! #RisingToExcellenceInEveryPursuit #WeAreFMS
almost 2 years ago, Public Information Officer
National School Social Worker Week!
FMS, our featured “Fresh Picks” in March is Brussel Sprouts! We will feature them on our menu during the month. Take a look at what we are serving students this month. Find our menus at
almost 2 years ago, Public Information Officer
Breakfast and Lunch at FMS
FMS, we celebrate National School Breakfast Week from March 6 – 10. Our Student Nutrition Department will have yummy new hot breakfast options for students all week. Don't worry if your student's school is not offering a hot breakfast item, they are still getting a delicious and nutritious grab-and-go breakfast to enjoy in their classroom! Looking for our menus? Find them at
almost 2 years ago, Public Information Officer
National School Breakfast Week
FMS, due to bad weather conditions, THERE IS A 2-HOUR DELAY TODAY, March 2, 2023. Thank you. Stay safe.  Familias de Farmington, debido al mal clima de hoy, tendremos un RETRASO DE DOS HORAS en todas las clases. Tengan cuidado. Gracias. Tł'óó'óh óhoot'éhígíí biniinaa, naaki ahéé'ílkidgo íinda, ólta hahodoolzhizh. Ahéhee'. Ádaa áhólyą́.
almost 2 years ago, Public Information Officer
Calling all future Griffins! The application window for San Juan College High School is closing soon. The application is located on the SJCHS homepage: If your student is a current 8th-grade student, be sure to access the application before February 28!
almost 2 years ago, Public Information Officer
FMS families of students in middle and high school, you are invited to a couple of presentations for the Social Studies Secondary Materials. The presentations will give you an opportunity to see the resources and your feedback will help us determine what we will adopt next year. Join us on 👉 February 16, from 4:30 - 5:30 PM, on 👉 February 22, from 1:30 to 3:30, and again from 4:30 to 5:30, and on 👉 March 6, from 4:30 - 5:30 PM. The presentations from McGraw Hill (02/16), Cengage (02/22), and Savva (03/06) will take place at the FMS Board Room (3401 E. 30th Street). See you there!
about 2 years ago, Public Information Officer
presentations for the Social Studies Secondary Materials