Looking for our proposed 2023-24 FMS Budget Breakdown and Expenditures? You can find that information and the budget timeline on our Financial Transparency page. Visit https://www.farmingtonschools.us/page/finance for more information.
FMS families of students in grades K-5, you are invited to a Community Open House for the Social Studies materials. You will be able to review materials we are considering for adoption and provide feedback via a quick survey. This process will help the FMS Teacher Team decide the scale of the materials adoption next year. Materials will be available on tables outside of the Animas room for people to take a closer look. This event will take place on 👉 March 9, from 3:30-5:00 p.m., at Central Office (3401 E. 30th Street) on the 4th floor. See you then!
We celebrate National School Social Work week from March 5-11, 2023. Thank you for supporting our students, families, and school communities! #RisingToExcellenceInEveryPursuit #WeAreFMS
FMS, our featured “Fresh Picks” in March is Brussel Sprouts! We will feature them on our menu during the month. Take a look at what we are serving students this month. Find our menus at https://www.farmingtonschools.us
FMS, we celebrate National School Breakfast Week from March 6 – 10. Our Student Nutrition Department will have yummy new hot breakfast options for students all week. Don't worry if your student's school is not offering a hot breakfast item, they are still getting a delicious and nutritious grab-and-go breakfast to enjoy in their classroom! Looking for our menus? Find them at https://www.farmingtonschools.us.
FMS, due to bad weather conditions, THERE IS A 2-HOUR DELAY TODAY, March 2, 2023. Thank you. Stay safe.
Familias de Farmington, debido al mal clima de hoy, tendremos un RETRASO DE DOS HORAS en todas las clases. Tengan cuidado. Gracias.
Tł'óó'óh óhoot'éhígíí biniinaa, naaki ahéé'ílkidgo íinda, ólta hahodoolzhizh. Ahéhee'. Ádaa áhólyą́.
FMS families of students in grades K-5, you are invited to a Community Open House for the Social Studies materials. You will be able to review materials we are considering for adoption and provide feedback via a quick survey. This process will help the FMS Teacher Team decide the scale of the materials adoption next year. Materials will be available on tables outside of the Animas room for people to take a closer look. This event will take place on 👉 March 9, from 3:30-5:00 p.m., at Central Office (3401 E. 30th Street) on the 4th floor. See you then!
Congratulations to our students that competed and placed in the 2023 FMS District Science Fair, which took place on Saturday, February 4, at Piedra Vista High School. Visit https://district.fms.k12.nm.us/article/989337 to see the lists of winners. Visit https://ImmersiveEducation.org/spaces/science/fair to view this year's amazing 3D projects from our students and sponsors.
Good Evening Ladera Families,
As you are aware, our building had a gas leak today, Thursday February 2nd.The students and staff did an outstanding job evacuating the building and transferring to Farmington High School. We appreciate your patience with the check-out process. We did account for all students, if for some reason, your child did not arrive at their designated location, please call the FMS district office immediately at 505-324-9840.
The leak is currently being worked on, and is scheduled to be fixed by this evening, so we will have a regular school day tomorrow, February 3rd.
We are proud of our Ladera students and staff for the outstanding job they did today.
FMS would like to help families with meals during Thanksgiving Break. To pick up a 7-day meal box you MUST REGISTER your students at https://farmingtonschools.info/7-day-meal-boxes. 👉 Registration closes on November 16 @ 5:00 p.m. 👉 Meal boxes will be available for pickup on Friday, November 18, from 3:00 to 5:30 p.m., at Central Kitchen (305 N. Court Ave. Farmington 87401). Please follow the instructions in the email you will be sent before pickup.
From our Student Nutrition Department – FMS, we are celebrating Native American Month in November and we’ll have many delicious options for students during breakfast and lunch, including Blue Corn Mush during the week of November 14. Food will include Pinto beans (November 1), sweet potatoes (November 11 and 18), Navajo tacos (November 16), and Three Sister veggie soup (November 18). Our November “Fresh Pick” is pears, which will be a feature on our menu all month long. One more thing, on November 17, every campus across the district will be serving a Thanksgiving Feast, including a tasty, mini pumpkin pie!
FMS, let's continue to highlight and celebrate the diverse and rich culture of Native American people.
We are celebrating National School Lunch Week from October 10-14, 2022. This week, our preschools will serve fresh cantaloupes, peaches, pears and strawberries for students during lunch. Our elementaries will serve vegetarian chef salad, delicious roasted creole potatoes, corn on the cob, and tuna salad sandwiches while the middle schools will serve chicken noodle soup, mixed vegetables, and tasty Mexican street corn. Our high schools, for their part, will serve beef stew, cilantro lime brown rice, tomato soup, and fresh broccoli. And those are only a few of the wonderful choices our students will enjoy this week, FMS. This "Peace, Love & School Lunch" is a celebration with more vegetables with every lunch, fresh fruit daily, and entrées that include whole grains & lean protein. National School Lunch Week promotes the importance of a healthy school lunch in a child’s life and the impact it has inside and outside of the classroom. Want to see all of this month’s items? Visit https://fms.nutrislice.com/
FMS In The News: Farmington students will square off in junior chef competition this weekend. By Mike Easterling, Farmington Daily Times. A total of 32 students on 16 teams ranging from one to four students each will compete in the inaugural Junior Chef Competition from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 17, at Farmington High School, 2200 N. Sunset Ave. in Farmington. Read more: https://www.daily-times.com/story/news/local/2022/09/14/junior-chef-competition-aims-inspire-love-of-cooking-in-students/69494821007/
Looking for volunteer opportunities at Farmington Schools? Or information on local childcare resources? Visit the community section of our website, you’ll also find information on how to distribute e-flyers to parents, public surplus auctions, and how to support our Foundation for Educational Excellence. Visit: https://district.fms.k12.nm.us/page/community
Students that attend a school not listed can still qualify for both breakfast & lunch meals at no cost by filling out and submitting a meal application at https://family.titank12.com/application/new?lang=English.
August 11, 2022: Farmington Municipal Schools has made several changes to our inclement weather procedures for the 2022-2023 school year. Read more: https://www.farmingtonschools.us/article/644710
Let us introduce you to the FMS Equity Council. Our goal is to study information related to student SUCCESS and support HOW to better serve students. Learn more about us here: https://district.fms.k12.nm.us/page/fms-equity-council
Farmington Municipal Schools is proud to share the school supplies that will be provided to all FMS students in grades Kindergarten through 12th grade this upcoming year. Each school will distribute the supplies at the beginning of classes. Read more: https://district.fms.k12.nm.us/page/district-provided-school-supplies
Farmington Municipal Schools is now enrolling NEW students for the upcoming school year, including Pre-K. FMS is a great place to learn! Enroll online today at https://district.fms.k12.nm.us/page/registration. Registration for returning students will take place during the first week of August. Classes start on August 12. See you soon!