Important Update

MVMS Families,


Please support our school by completing the survey; only 9% of our families have responded. This survey will help our school with future decisions. 

-Our school has a parent liaison, Becca Griffith. She can assist you with Schoology, PowerSchool, or our family engagement events. She also posts a monthly newsletter on our Facebook page and MVMS website. Becca can be reached @ 505.599.8622  ex 2926 or

-MVMS has a PAC (Parent Advisory Committee)team. We invite you to become a part of this team. This is where you would be able to help with our school decisions. In our PAC meetings, we review our family engagement events, the 90-day plan, the school compact, and other activities at the school. Our next meeting will be on April 18th at @5:30pm.

MVMS Survey