Attendance and Absences
Farmington Municipal School District and Mesa View Middle School are committed to the philosophy that every student should attend every class, every period, every day. Daily attendance and promptness are expected in all classes and are essential for success in school. Attendance represents a critical component in the overall success of each student.
The school may also make a referral for educational neglect to the New Mexico Child Youth and Families Division, in accordance with The Attendance for Success Act (HB236). For more information in regards to The Attendance for Success Act (HB236), please contact your school principal.
Attendance Guidelines Daily Absence Reporting:
● Parents/guardians should notify the school by telephone each day a student is absent (open 24 hours for your convenience to call). If the parent/guardian fails to notify the school, the school may attempt to contact the parent/guardian.
● Students who are absent without a parent’s or guardian’s excuse may be considered truant.
● The school encourages parents to schedule physician, dental, and mental health appointments after school hours.
● Excessive absences may affect a student’s academic achievement.
● Parents/guardians may be required to submit supporting documentation in order to excuse the absence of their student if student absenteeism is excessive.
A. A student may be excused for parent- or doctor-authorized medical reasons. A public school shall provide time for the student to make up the school work missed during the absence. If the student does not make up the school work within a reasonable time, the absence may be counted as unexcused.
1. A school district shall maintain an attendance policy that: (1) provides at least ten days of medical absences during the school year for a student who provides documentation.
2. A student may, subject to the approval of the school principal, be absent from school to participate in religious instruction for not more than one class period per school day with the written consent of the student's parent at a time that is not in conflict with the academic program of the school and the student's academic class schedule. The public school shall provide time for the student to make up the school work missed during the absence. If the student does not make up the school work within a reasonable time, the absence may be counted as unexcused.
3. A public school student, with the written consent of the student's parent and subject to the approval of the school principal, may be absent from school to participate in tribal obligations. The public school shall provide time for the student to make up the school work missed during the absence. If the student does not make up the school work within a reasonable time, the absence may be counted as unexcused." history, the impact of student absences on student academic outcomes, the interventions or services available to the student or family and the consequences of further absences, including referral to the children, youth and families department for excessive absenteeism
5 Days Unexcused: Letter sent home to parent/guardian
7 Days Unexcused: Letter sent home to parent /guardian and/or attendance contract
10 Days Unexcused: Warning letter sent home, meeting with the parent and automatic attendance contract
15 EXCUSED ABSENCE: (PER SCHOOL YEAR) May be called in by parent to the attendance office. Students with 7 or more parent-verified absences may be asked to meet with an Administrator and sign an attendance contract. Once the student has accumulated 15 EXCUSED absences for the entire school year and further absences may not be excused with legal absences (doctor notes, court appearances, etc) . THE ATTENDANCE CONTRACT WILL BE IN EFFECT FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE SCHOOL YEAR.