Parent’s Right to Know, School Compacts

FMS parents, in accordance with the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Farmington Municipal Schools is notifying parents of the following:

  1. Parents may request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child’s classroom teacher(s) and principal and whether the student is provided services by paraprofessionals, and if so, their qualifications. Timely notice that their child has been taught for 4 or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who does not meet the applicable state certification for licensure requirements at the grade level and subject area in which the teacher has been assigned.

  2. Parents may request information regarding the level of achievement and academic growth of their child, if applicable and available, on each of the State academic assessments required under ESSA. Any State or Local Education Agency (LEA) policy regarding student participation in any assessments mandated by section 1111(b)(2) of the ESSA and by the State or LEA.

  3. Any LEA using Title I or Title III funds to provide a language instructional educational program as determined under Title III shall, no later than 30 days after the beginning of the school year or 2 weeks after the student enrolls, inform parents of an English learner (EL) identified for participation or participating in such a program and implement an effective means of outreach to parents of English learners to inform them how they can be involved in the education of their children and be active participants.

If you are interested in requesting the above information or finding out if your child’s school receives Title I or Title III funds, please contact the principal at the school your child attends. For further information regarding ESSA requirements, you can visit the FMS Student, School, and Family Support Services website at this link.

More Important Information

Below you can find our School Compacts and Family Engagement Policy, which include student expectations, requirements, goals, and more. For more information, please visit our Student, School, and Family Support Services page!

Student, School, and Family Support Services

Title I Family Engagement Policy

Animas Elementary School

Parent Engagement Policy 2024-2025 English

Acuerdo En Español

Apache Elementary

School Compact 2024-2025 English

Acuerdo En Español

Bluffview Elementary School

School Compact 2024-2025 English

Acuerdo En Español

Esperanza Elementary School

2024-2025 School Compact English

Acuerdo En Español

McCormick Elementary School

School Compact 2024-2025 English

Acuerdo En Español

McKinley Elementary School

2024-2025 School Compact English

Acuerdo En Español

Mesa Verde Elementary School

School Parent Compact 2024-25 English

Acuerdo En Español

Northeast Elementary School

School Compact 2024-2025 English

Acuerdo En Español

Heights Middle School

School Compact 2024-2025 English

Acuerdo En Español

Hermosa Middle School

School Compact 2024-2025 English

Acuerdo En Español

Mesa View Middle School

School Parent Compact 2024-2025 English

Acuerdo En Español

Tibbetts Middle School

School Parent Compact 2024-2025 English

Acuerdo En Español