Boys Basketball game TODAY, January 25, 4:15 PM @ Tibbetts vs Kirtland. Good luck team!!
11 months ago, Tibbetts Middle School
Boys Basketball
All students who auditioned for and earned a spot into this Youth All-State choir ensemble will attend this conference and have ALL expenses paid for them by Farmington Municipal Schools in exchange for representing our school!
11 months ago, Tibbetts Middle School
ACDA All-State Choir
We are looking forward to the Family Engagement Night coming up on Monday, January 29th from 5:30pm-7:00pm. Here's a look at the workshops that we have planned for you and your student. We hope that you will make plans to join us! · Watercolor with Mr. Guillory - Explore how to incorporate social-emotional regulation through art making. · Social Media Secrets - Is social media affecting your students’ social-emotional well being as well as their education? Join Mrs. McKinney and Ms. Green, as they offer insight into the secrets of social media.
 · Visual Calendars with Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants - Learn and create a visual schedule to help promote organization, time management skills, a sense of routine, and reduce anxiety. · Game of Life - “Real-world” money management simulation. Travel through various stations with a given career, income, and family information and see if you can survive the Game of Life! · Family Learning Company - Family Learning Company is a free software designed for families to engage with students to improve their oral reading fluency. Our ELA teachers will be on hand to help you if you are interested in utilizing this tool for your family and student. (Laptop required) · And a special presentation from the Navajo Bilingual Students in Ms. Willie's Class.
11 months ago, Tibbetts Middle School
January 29
The Tibbetts Band is going to help cheer on our basketball team as they play against Kirtland. Come listen to the band and support them as they support the guys on the court. Band students need to stay after school and will be dismissed after the football game around 6 PM.
11 months ago, Tibbetts Middle School
Band supporting the basketball team
Boys Basketball game TODAY, January 23, 4:15 PM @ Heights. Good luck team!!
11 months ago, Tibbetts Middle School
Boys Basketball
Want to support the basketball team in style?! Visit this online store within the next 5 days and place your order. This team wear can be worn for both boys and girls basketball!
11 months ago, Tibbetts Middle School
Basketball shirt
green shirt
Tibbetts jacket
Today select band students will present the music they have been working on with clinicians at the Turano-Chrisman Performing Arts Theater located on the Piedra Vista High School campus. This Honor Band Concert includes all Northwest New Mexico Music Educator conference students who auditioned and earned a spot into this ensemble. The concert begins at 7 PM at the TCPAT.
11 months ago, Tibbetts Middle School
Band Concert at 7 PM
Boys Basketball game TODAY, January 18, 4:15 PM @ Tibbetts vs Aztec. Good luck team!!
11 months ago, Tibbetts Middle School
Boys Basketball
Today select band students will work with clinicians at the Turano-Chrisman Performing Arts Theater located on the Piedra Vista High School campus to prepare their Honor Band Concert tomorrow.
11 months ago, Tibbetts Middle School
Honor Band Practice
Boys Basketball game TODAY, January 16, 4:15 PM @ Hermosa. Good luck team!!
11 months ago, Tibbetts Middle School
Boys Basketball
No school today in recognition of Martin Luther King, Jr.
11 months ago, Tibbetts Middle School
MLK Jr. Day
Boys Basketball game TODAY, January 11, 4:15 PM @ Hermosa. Good luck team!!
11 months ago, Tibbetts Middle School
Boys Basketball
Boys Basketball game TODAY, January 9, 4:15 PM @ Bloomfield. Good luck team!!
11 months ago, Tibbetts Middle School
Boys Basketball
We hope to see all of you at our upcoming Academic Parent Teacher Team meeting!
11 months ago, Tibbetts Middle School
All students should report back to school tomorrow on January 3, 2024. Let's get this 2nd semester started!
11 months ago, Tibbetts Middle School
Back to school
Students: enjoy one more day of vacation! Today is a Teachers Professional Development Day.
11 months ago, Tibbetts Middle School
Teachers Professional Development Day
Enjoy your Winter Break vacation! We'll see you again on January 3, 2024!
12 months ago, Tibbetts Middle School
Winter Vacation
Today is the last day of the 1st semester. We all get a well deserved break until 2024!! Enjoy!!
12 months ago, Tibbetts Middle School
End of 1st Semester
Friday's Spirit Day
12 months ago, Tibbetts Middle School
Friday's Spirit Day
Choir's Winter Concert today! Rehearsal will be held right after school and concert will begin at 6 PM in the gym.
12 months ago, Tibbetts Middle School
Choir concert at 6 PM